Allen Tate Wood Letter
Dear Steve Hassan & All Ex-members,
Bravo!!! and Congratulations to you all for your courage in standing up to speak out against one of the most formidabble tyrannies of our time.
For me you are heroes.
In the face of Moon's International financial and political juggernaut you stand up and bear witness to the facts:
1.) Systematic use of mind-control methods in the entrapment and indoctrination of new members.
2.) Psychological extortion and blackmail of members who contemplate leaving the movement.
3.) The virtual enslavement of rank and file members world wide, who work without pay, without medical benefits, without the right to to strike, without the right to collective bargaining.
4.) Moon's flagrant and obsessive attempts to buy an identity on the world stage with the money he has extracted under false pretenses from his minions and their tireless efforts to defraud the the general public.
5.) Celebrity Buying through out right deception and misrepresentation.
6.) Moon's promise to end democracy in the U.S.
7.) Moon,s promise to establish a theocratic dictatorship in America.
8.) The incredible waste of human beings in a cause that has no substance.
Again I say you are my heroes. You who stand up against this tyrant. You are champions of free speech, civil liberties, religious freedom. I see you as defenders of the Constitution , as fighters in the front ranks of those who have in the past and those who will in the future defend political freedom with their words and deeds. God bless you all!
Allen Tate Wood
Here I include a resume of my activities under the aegis of Mr. Moon:
1.) President of the Freedom Leadership Foundation( The political arm of the U.C. in the late 60's and throughout the early and middle 70's in the U.S.) Forge alliances with anti-communist groups, the intelligence community, police forces right wing political organizations and leaders , big business and the military as a foundation for influencing national domestic and foreign policy.
2.) Co-Chairman of the American Youth for a Just Peace( a partisan political lobby group.) As President of FLF and Co-Chair of AYJP I was invited to join the Nixon White House staff as a youth consultant. I was also given money by Nixon aide Jeb Stuart Magruder. He said," this money comes from friends of the President." I led nation-wide partisan political lobby campaigns targeted at blocking anti-war legislation.
3.)American youth delegate to the fourth World Anti-Communist League Conference in Kyoto Japan 1970( sponsored by the political arm of the Japanese Unification Church{the International Federation for Victory over Communism}).
4.) Speech writer and personal aid to Osami Kuboki(President of the Japanese Unification Church) during the World Anti-Communist League Conference.
5.) Board member of the Youth Committee for Peace and Democracy in the Middle East( a partisan political lobby group).
6.) Anti-Communist lecturer for the first National Unification Church Training program. Political indoctrination of new recruits.
7.) One World Crusade Commander for the State of Maryland. Recruiting and fundraising throughout the state.
8.) Workshop director and chief lecturer for the Unification Church in Maryland. Indoctrination and training of new recruits.
9.) Co-ordinator of the "Lorton Project". One of the U.C.'s first ventures into fraudulent fundraising in the U.S.
10.) Center leader for UpperMarlboro branch of the Unification Church.
Allen Tate Wood